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Posted on: January 3, 2024

All success can be summed up into a simple formula...

Mindset + Skillset x Action = Success

Achieving your goals requires that you have the right mindset.

Your mindset has two sides to it. You have the empowering beliefs, the positive energy, and the limiting beliefs, or the negative energy.

Before you can create new empowering beliefs for your goals, you need to identify the limiting beliefs you currently hold.

Take the time to think about your goals, and then write a list of beliefs holding you back.

Do this for all your goals:

Personal Development





Physical and Health

As you go through the list, you may have one limiting belief in financial goals and find that you have three that need work in relationships. Each category is going to be different. Once you have your list written out, you need to reframe the limiting belief to take away its power over you.

- Reframing a limiting belief is backed by neuroscience and studies on how the brain works. You start by looking at one limiting belief and acknowledging it exists without giving it power. Understand that it is not a true belief because you have not found any solid evidence to prove it true.

The next step is rejecting that belief and verbalizing that it is the false belief that you inherited along the pathway of growing up. You reject it and tell that belief that it is going to be replaced with an empowering belief.

We will use one limiting belief from relationships and go through all the steps you need to do from the categories. The steps are the same, no matter what category and limiting beliefs you want to change to empowering.

We can use the example of “I cannot attract anyone because I am overweight.” This is a false belief, and you can empower yourself by looking at a time when you "know" someone was attracted to you, but circumstances other than your weight caused them to avoid a relationship.

Perhaps they were already in a relationship. You can also look at examples of people you know either in person or have seen in celebrity life that attracted the person of their dreams despite being overweight.

We can use different ways to reframe, and today we will look at doing an external reframe. Here you would write down, "I can find the person of my dreams because I see that many people have amazing relationships, despite the weight. Some people are attracted to people who are full framed."

Once you have introduced yourself to the reframe, you need to give it more power. You start by allowing it time to gain a foothold in your mind and do few extra things to help it along, such as anchoring and affirmations.

- You want to strengthen your new empowering belief, and you can start by anchoring the new belief so that it stays solid in your mind. Anchoring a new empowering belief starts with these steps:

- Start by remembering a time when you were confident about your body. If you tell yourself that you have never been confident in how you look and attract people, then create a movie in your head where you are confident about your body.

We still don't understand how the brain works; however, in this case, we do know that the brain cannot tell the difference between something that happened or something that you imagined vividly.

Think about the new empowering belief, and then get a great image of your confidence in your body now.

Having a Vision Board helps to imprint this great image onto your subconscious mind.

- You need to choose a physical anchor such as touching your right index finger to your right thumb or making a fist and tapping the palm of your left hand.

- Start visualizing you being confident in your current body and get a lot of positive emotion into it. Once you hit the top of your positive emotion and you are feeling amazing, trigger your anchor by doing the finger touch or fist tap.

- Now, allow yourself to come back to a neutral state and then repeat the process.

- Repeat doing this process until the only part you need is triggering your anchor. You don't have to visualize anything, just touch the fingers or tap the fist and instantly feel attractive to others.

The final steps are creating positive affirmations around the new and empowering beliefs you have for your goals.

As you say the affirmations, make sure to have plenty of conviction in your voice. Keep doing this process, and it will condition your mind to accept the new empowering beliefs as the truth.

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January 3, 2024

John Brewer is energetic entrepreneur, husband of 21 years and father of 5 kids. John has been an avid student of life and success. He grew up in poor circumstances and has sought to understand the "How" and "Why" some individuals obtain success in any area of life they choose and others struggle to survive. John is the Founder of Foundational Journey Institute and Creator of several simple trainings to help you start on the path to YOUR ULTIMATE SUCCESS.Enter your text here...

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