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Posted on: January 10, 2024

Are you struggling to feel joy and happiness in your daily life? Does it feel like you have allowed auto-pilot to engage more and you are just going through the motions? Don't are not alone. The beautiful thing about this situation is this...

You Don't Have to Remain There!!!

Let me show you 5 things I have learned to engage more in life.

Are you struggling to feel joy and happiness in your daily life? Does it feel like you have allowed auto-pilot to engage more and you are just going through the motions? Don't are not alone. The beautiful thing about this situation is this...

You Don't Have to Remain There!!!

Let me show you 5 things I have learned to engage more in life.

Pursue Your Purpose

Purpose serves as the driving force of our lives. It serves as the foundation of our decisions and behaviors and can create a sense of motivation that gives us energy and excitement. As we pursue those interests and projects, we are passionate about, we delve deep seeking to gain knowledge and information that will help us to carry out that purpose in a meaningful way. This is a strong method of getting engaged in life because the desire to fulfill your full potential via your purpose often keeps you active and enticed.

Stop Multi-tasking

Research has shown that it can be a struggle for the brain to focus on more than one task at a time. This means that while many people can technically do more than one thing at once, generally they don’t do those things as well as they could if they were to give one thing the entirety of their attention.

Thus, focusing on one task at a time can be a much more effective strategy for being engaged in what is in front of you. It can also ensure that what you are devoting your energy to is done more effectively and efficiently as a result.

Research has shown that it can be a struggle for the brain to focus on more than one task at a time. This means that while many people can technically do more than one thing at once, generally they don’t do those things as well as they could if they were to give one thing the entirety of their attention.

Thus, focusing on one task at a time can be a much more effective strategy for being engaged in what is in front of you. It can also ensure that what you are devoting your energy to is done more effectively and efficiently as a result.

Live in the Present

One of the best ways to be more engaged in life is to stay focused on the present. When you spend too much time reflecting on the past or attempting to predict the future, it robs you of the ability to enjoy what is happening currently.

As you learn to release the past and give up on trying to determine the future, your ability to fully embrace the present and appreciate it for what it is becomes stronger.

Be Spontaneous

The pursuit of unplanned opportunities and challenges is another strong method to aid in being more engaged in life. Spontaneity requires attention and focus that is devoted to the new and exciting task.

The act of being spontaneous gets you out of the routine and the mundane and gives you something exciting to look forward to, thereby helping you to be more involved in life. 

Learn Something New

Taking the time to learn a new skill, subject, or task requires a lot of our time and attention. This can help in the process of trying to become more immersed in life.

As you devote time taking in information, practicing, and applying what is learned you have no choice but to commit your energy and focus to what you are learning.

Additionally, learning something new is a great way to break up the dull and predictable nature of life by adding something different.

If you find yourself in a place in life where you feel a lack of excitement and are a bit robotic, you don’t have to remain in that place.

By taking some of the measures mentioned above you can begin to break free from the mundane and live from a place of excitement and full engagement that will lead to more success and deeper fulfillment in life.

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January 10, 2024

John Brewer is energetic entrepreneur, husband of 21 years and father of 5 kids. John has been an avid student of life and success. He grew up in poor circumstances and has sought to understand the "How" and "Why" some individuals obtain success in any area of life they choose and others struggle to survive. John is the Founder of Foundational Journey Institute and Creator of several simple trainings to help you start on the path to YOUR ULTIMATE SUCCESS.Enter your text here...

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